It can’t find any account ! Doesn’t matter which Plattform it is still loading nothing happens

Let us know if you are Android / iOS and what game you’re having issues with.

I use iOS ! It doesn’t matter which game or which Plattform nothing works I can’t see any stats ! I can add steam rocket league player not found, I add epic is still searching my Fortnite account since 3 days , I can add league of legends……nothing happens……I reinstalled the app but still so buggy !

Hi @Psycomantis,

What are your nicknames in the games you cannot find your stats in? Are you able to find your stats on our website? What error messages do you see in the mobile app?

Okay everything works on your website just in app it doesn’t work :ok_hand: there is no error, I added my accounts and it’s just loading the stats about 24h and nothing happens.

We’d be interested in seeing more of the issue you are having with the mobile app. Do you have a screenshot or better, a video? Would love to get this resolved for you.