Can't find apex account

yo i cant find my account can anybody help im on playstation

@chompers55 Can you let me know what your PSN ID is please?

Hello, i cant find my account

my Xbox live id is Sirius 0 mid, help me update the info please.

I am having trouble finding my ID and it is not showing up on the leaderboard.
My originID is Egstkg

I am having trouble finding my ID and it is not showing up on the leaderboard.
My originID is Egstkg

I can’t find mine either. My name is LochFN and I play on PC.

non riesco a collegare il mio accaunt psn al traker di apex leggend il mio id e Saraa_FPS

Ciao @Saraa_FPS e benvenuto nei forum di TRN.

Puoi per favore andare al tuo account qui:

Quando arrivi a quella pagina, dovrebbe esserci un pulsante “Rivendica profilo” nell’angolo in alto a sinistra dello schermo (come mostrato qui):


Se fai clic su questo pulsante per collegare il tuo account, risolve il tuo problema?

Inoltre, hai provato ad andare alla pagina Account collegati e ad aggiungere il tuo account PSN al tuo account TRN?

Si prega di scusare eventuali errori grammaticali; Sto utilizzando Google Translate. :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to find my profile either
I play on Xbox and my account is: Wrestle4Life

I have the same issues i can’t find my name in any leaderboards related to my legend.
My tag is BTL_Nseyano i main Lifeline on PS4
I can see my stats on my profile but im not in any leaderboards.

BTL_Nseyano’s Apex Legends Overview Stats - Apex Legends Tracker

@Shadow_Assassin That Xbox Gamertag has no games started according to Xbox directly. You may want to double-check this.

Hello if you could possibly find mine that would be great im trying to link it to my stream my steam name is TTV PrinceVegeta_04 and my origin name is Joker0Fps

or could you possibly find mine

hey i am unable to find my account on apex tracker. my apex name is cannedfries45, is there any way i can get it to show up?

i cant find my account for xbox nothing i try is working my Gamertag on xbox is Drippysour

Hi! I don’t understand how to use the /v2/apex/standard/search API endpoint. I tried it like the others, “/v2/apex/standard/search/{platformslug}/{platformname}” and that didn’t work, and then I tried sending the data in headers like “platform=origin” but that didn’t work for me either. Just to make it easy, I can figure out the why and whatnot if you can just give me an example request for searching apex’s db for “MarkTheRusty” on origin, so I don’t take up too much time for something that seems like it is obvious to everyone but me xD. Thanks!

Oh by the way I am using curl for the request so all I need is the headers and endpoint url (if anything is added to it) thanks! @Lewie

  1. This thread has nothing to do with the api next time just make a new thread if none are relevant.

  2. Url is

Headers are Trn-Api-Key : [key]

  1. You probably actually want same headers
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Hi i am new here aswell and i just changed my name but its not showing up at all?