How can I hide my stats

I dislike people looming over my stats for literally every game I play it’s so fucking annoying like if I’m not sweating one game I get shit talked by some dude with a worse KD than me but slightly high win rate or elo in some irrelevant ass gamemode.

Hi @eWeeb,

What game do you want to hide your stats in? Please remember that our services support about 20 different games already.

I’d like to hide them for Destiny 2 if that’s alright

As far as I know, Bungie does not have privacy settings in Destiny 2. Unfortunately, there is also no way to make your profile private on our side. Please contact the Bungie support in terms of privacy settings.

So wait, there is no way to hide your game results per game that you do? Cuz I swear I’ve seen people hide their live game results but you can still see their overall elo.

Correct. We can hide your stats only if the game developer enables such an option.

Then why can you not see some people’s stats when you look for them?

Hello @ObiHayv and welcome to the TRN forums.

I think what LostBlood was getting at is that there may be privacy settings Bungie uses that TRN may not be aware of. For example, there are privacy settings located here:

This image shows that game activity can be turned “off” meaning that some players may be using this as a means to make their account “private”:

This may or may not be the actual reason as to why some players are not showing up when searching for them on TRN, but it may be a start.

You can do it in the Destiny app on your phone. Go to:

More > Settings > Account Settings > Privacy > and uncheck “Activities” and “Show Destiny Activity”. They’ll still be able to see your overall kd, but they won’t be able to see your match histor, /recent activities, or session viewer. Hope this helps! :slight_smile: