How to login my account

Hello I’m sorry to trouble you,I can’t login to my account(on app) and I’m PS4 player.
Thank you.

Hi @S4ksija,

Unfortunately, our desktop Fortnite app is currently available for PC players only. As a console player, you can use our website:

Thank you fr informations,once again sorry for troubling you.

i’m also pc player and my account is originaly pc account what can i do.

You need to play a match in Fortnite while the app is running. In this case, your account will be detected automatically.

Please note that some features will be available only if you play on PC (e.g., Live Match and Match History).

I alredy did it and I didn’t detect my account.
Thank you.

Please make sure that you open the app before launching the game and the Overwolf overlay is enabled in the app settings:

If it does not help, please send us your logs:

oi eu estou com um problema a minha conta de fortnite foi hackeada e tem como ver o meu gmail e senha da conta do fortnite??