Pop up doens't show ingame

Hey there,

I was playing with the fortnite tracker overlay so that you can see who killed you and how much pr etc they have. Suddenly it stopped working. I’ve tried everything such as: uninstalling, pc restart, switch the overlay on and off. How can i fix it?



After each game update, we often have to fix certain events, like detecting kills, or the name of the person you killed etc.

A fix was released this morning (EU time). It’s likely you were still using an old game events plugin version at the time of playing.

If you follow the instructions below, it should force an update for you:

After completing those steps, you can check you’re on the latest version by:

  1. Pressing: Windows Key + R
  2. Entering: %localappdata%\Overwolf\Extensions\ggfmakpbllghoepnmfelddbminamnbmfelbahfdp

You should see a folder named 258.1.3 or higher. If not, repeat the steps in the guide above.

Hi there i tried all the steps and made sure its on the updated version but the overlay still doesn’t work any help would be appreciated, thankyou.

The service status is red for a reason, we are trying to fix it asap.

Please take note of warning messages within the app :cry:

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