R6 Crash Issues

My R6 Tracker Are Crash, I think it’s the antivirus of windows that blocks it every time but I think it’s also a bug in the software files (I tried to reinstall)

Hey, sorry for the late reply, is the problem still there? do you get a crash notification when you enter the game or you just can’t see the app and it’s not responsive to the hotkeys?

If I enter the game and press the shortcut keys the software just crashes and this also happens to me with other games like: LOL, VALORANT. I think it’s the overwolf

I understand. Any chance that you can describe that for them here? They reply pretty fast: https://support.overwolf.com/en/support/tickets/new

Thank you!

im having the same issue, any fixes, would like to keep using r6 tracker

Hi, we are aware that some users are experiencing game crashes whilst launching R6 since the release of Operation Commanding Force. Overwolf are trying to find a fix, however there may be a temporary solution you can try in the meantime.

  1. Navigate to C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Ubisoft\r6siege
  2. Delete the whole file
  3. Delete the file’s firewall permissions:

Navigate to Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Defender Firewall, then click Advanced Settings, click on Outbound Rules, then New Rule, select Program, the enter the path C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Ubisoft\r6siege and click through the files until you reach a Rainbow6 exe file and select it.

If the steps above do not help, please contact Overwolf support.