[Rocket League] Tournament Stats

Tournament stats were visible before but now you cant see the stats just tournament rank.


Could you tell us please what Tournament stats you are referring to? We have them in multiple sections which is why there might be different reasons why you are having this issue.

What do you mean? Im talking the tournament rank you know like the rank itself the last tab the one at the end Tournaments it shows the rank but not detailed like the other ones are

The gold stat is snow day! Im trying to see tournament detail!

Thank you for more details, I thought you were having issues with our website. We were able to reproduce the issue in the app and we will release a fix soon.

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Right on hopefully yall get it fixed soon :sunglasses: :100:

Hi guys,

In the same line I have this issue where my Doubles rank graph is a bit more optimistic than my real ranking.

Hi @Altomar00,

Thank you for your report. We were able to reproduce this issue and our mobile app developers will fix it too as soon as possible.

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Thanks for the reply!


We are currently testing a fix in our internal builds. If everything goes well, we will release an update next week.

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Thanks guys for reporting this issue and updating your reviews on the app store. Mucho appreciated.

@Altomar00 @BATWING137

It’s still not working. The last stats it shows are snowday you still cant see tournament stats

Sorry, the app update has not been released yet, we are still making some final improvements.