Tracked games still appear as if they're from season 3

As per title.
You can see that the tracker says I played 196 shows in season 3:

But my latest show, which is my 196th show, is obviously from season 4 (it’s from yesterday, and has Skyline Stumble which is a season 4 level). Image in comment (new user restriction, sorry).

I’m on version 0.1.57, which, according to the App Info page, is when season 4 support was supposedly added.

Show #196 image:

Also, I was thinking of reinstalling, but I’m afraid that would reset all of my tracked stats. Is there a way to back them up?

Hi @xipaco7042,

We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will verify the issue and release a fix. I suppose something is missing in the latest version.

Please do not uninstall the app. Most probably, it will erase all your current progress. At the moment, it is not possible to back it up.

We will let you know when we release a fix.

Thank you @xipaco7042, we released a fix.

Thanks, it works now!

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