Could not find the profile?

Hey, the Tracker can’t find my profile. It’s always the 404 Error.
Doesn’t work in Web or via Overwolf.

My ID is: " v# 7"

Logs: Deleted Link


Still need help. @Team

@vvvvvvv I believe that username is to short; please double-check that you don’t have some characters missing.

Thank you

Hi, thanks for your answer but nope, it’s my username as you can see here.


Can you try link your account via this page here: Tracker Network - Manage Linked Accounts (

I cannot find the username you are showing at all.

Thank you

It already is:

Saved as:

@vvvvvvv Honestly not sure why this isn’t working; possibly due to the very short name.

I’ll flag this with the team for you and see what we can do; i noted that not statistic site can track this account.

Looking into it

Thank you very much.
Please let me know if you got any new information about it.

Hello again, got any news so far? @Lewie

Hey, anything new? @Lewie

@Lewie Still trying to get any news

@Lewie Anything? I really want to use the tracker