Error 500 - Privacy Issues on Xbox

I am trying to see my statistics. I can find the account, but I always get an error 500 saying that I should adjust the privacy. See screenshots.

I have already changed the settings as recommended several times and waited a long time in between. I have also already changed them via the Companion mobile app. Does not work for me.

Are there any other settings that need to be made directly in the Xbox account? Does anyone have experience or can help?

More screenshots:

The redesigned service from WZStats can read and display my stats through my Xbox account. I have only entered my Xbox ID. Could this be an indication that the problem is with Activision and not the Xbox account?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Can you provide me with both your gamertag and comments on whether you have changed your gamertag recently?

If so what was the previous gamertag?

Thank you

Hi @Lewie

Thank you for your respond. My current Activision ID is:


The old one was:


But my settings with the old ID were on private, so no access to the data was possible. I have adjusted these settings after the change.

I appreciate your help.

Oh. I think I’m just stupid…when I enter my Xbox ID, the stats work. Should that also work with the Activision ID or have I misunderstood something?

When I connect with players in Warzone, I always use my Activision ID. So it would be great if this would work but I’m not sure if this works at all?

Hi @bit,

Do I get it right that you cannot see your stats when you use your Activision ID? As far as I know, Activision currently has some issues with privacy settings in terms of Activision ID while other platforms should work fine.

Hi @LostBlood

That is exactly the issue. But then I can also wait until they fix it. Thank you for the info.

May I kindly ask you to remove my ID from my post? I can’t edit the post anymore and it doesn’t have to stay there.

That would be very nice.

Sure, it is removed now. Please let me know if I missed your ID somewhere.


Thank you very much.