Fortnite Tracker Flag

I have seen many players using flags on the fortnite tracker, which I cannot see on fortnite for example USA and Mexico. How can i change my flag to Mexico if it’s not in fortnite?

To be displayed on the regional leaderboards, you’re required to complete the following;

  1. Create a TrackerNetwork Account

  2. Link your gaming profile account with TrackerNetwork

  3. Select your region

*If you don’t already have a TrackerNetwork account, you can create one here: Tracker Network Register / Create Account (

  1. To link your gaming profiles to TrackerNetwork, please head to Tracker Network - Manage Linked Accounts ( This will open our linking tool, which will look like this. (You may see differences based on your browser/device)

To link an account, click the corresponding platform box to begin the process.

Some platform holders, such as Xbox/Steam/RioT, will request that you sign into your account via their own system, and once you have done so, you will be redirected straight back to our platform.

Others, such as Playstation/Origin, do not have a verification system that we use, so you will be required to type in your ID manually.

Your page should look like this, depending on how many platforms you decide to link.

  1. Once your accounts are linked, we can now look at assigning your region; this is simple. Head here: Tracker Network | Settings - Premium (

Now select your region either manually using the drop-down box or via the IP search tool; once your region is selected, click ‘Update Geo’ once, and you’re done (Please avoid changing your geo-location or attempting to accept multiple times; this can cause issues)

You’re all done! Your region’s flag will now show on your profiles.

Note: It can take up to 15 minutes for the flag to appear on your profile and 24 hours for you to appear on the regional leaderboards. Please be patient.

*We no longer support ‘State’ leaderboards; only the countries on the drop-down box will work.

Thank you

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