How many games can be tracked in Valorant?

I’m a Valorant player of 2021. My question is, can Valorant track all of the games played in my Valorant Account? I need information of a game played in August, 2021. So can I get it? I have some issues logging in on that account so I can’t check it. But just a question that is, Can Valorant Tracker track games from games played in 2021 or more old? Also I didnt make any tracker account on that time ofc (in 2021). I just downloaded it the previous year. So can it track?

@Zemote, I’m sure one of our team members replied to this on the Discord channel, and the answer remains the same.

Search the profile in question, go to the matches page, and select the appropriate act from 2021; you may be lucky and find the games you are hoping for.

We don’t have an easy way to scroll back three years of games if that’s what you’re after.

Thank you

Thank you

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I have found the solution. Thanks alot!

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