I can no longer see all my operator stats

After some update on TRN all of my operator stats have been reset to 0’s even though it still shows my most used operators… super disappointing considering I was thinking about getting premium up until I noticed that… I had Doc within 20 kills of hitting 1000.

Hi, did you switch PCs, reset your PC, or reinstall Overwolf?

Well yes my pc has been reset like a year ago when I switched a bunch of parts but before yesterday I have never actually downloaded TRN. I just used the website. Then after all the newer updates and reworks to TRN all the sudden those stats are all unavailable even tho it still knows my most used operators. I figured it became an app exclusive type deal so I downloaded the app and realized that those operator stats are all simply unaccessible for me now. Almost as if they got erased.

It sounds like you are unaware that Ubisoft stopped updating Operator stats in Dec 2021. They’ve been frozen since then. We’ve removed the operator stats from our site and mobile app as Ubisoft haven’t fixed the issues.

Our PC desktop app allows us to start capturing your operator stats from the moment you download the app, however it won’t be able to access your lifetime stats, as Ubisoft no longer support that.

Typical ubisoft… thanks for taking the time to respond.

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