I see my stats on app but not website

I can’t see any of my stats on the TRN website. It use to be there and now it’s all gone. I still see my stats on the TRN app however, the website showed more stats and information then the app that I liked to see. Please help me :pray:t4::sob:

@UPNITES Can you please link me to your R6 profile? Which particular statistics do you believe we are missing on the site?



However after doing this I found my account again under this link as well with my stats.


So now my question is why is their 2 accounts that are both mine?

These are your PSN stats:

These are your PC stats:
As you haven’t played PC, you only have your crossplay stats; level, hs%.

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You need to make sure you are selecting PSN before searching your username on our site.

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I always do. I’m aware you can search PC, Xbox, and PlayStation however I only hit “my profile” to see my stats and it brings me to my PC page I’m assuming with the information you just have me. So I’m guessing when I linked my Ubisoft account it changed “my profile” to default to PC stats. I didn’t know that would happen considering I’ve never played on PC ever.

Also I did type my username in before coming here, looking for my account just to make sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong but it still brought me to my (now aware of) PC stats. Not until I typed my name up in lowercase did I i get back to my PlayStation stats. However it could’ve been a mistake on my end too ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Thank you for your assistance :ok_hand:t4:.

Ya, I’d probably unlink your Ubisoft account from our site if you’re not a pc player. The whole implementation of crossplay added this confusion. We’ll try to clear up the confusion and hide the PC stats if you don’t play PC.

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