I've changed my Valorant username but tracker not updated


I’ve changed my Valorant username but tracker still shows the old one ( It’s been 3 days since I’ve changed it ), I’ve tried it setting it to public and private and still the old name is active, how do I fix this?
Old name: akage#foff
New name: gone#empty

Thank you

Hi @rizzle,

Your profile is currently available here:


If you still see the old username in your personal area on our website, please try to remove your Riot Games account on this page and link your Valorant account again instead of changing your privacy settings:


HI @LostBlood

I’ve done that many times, and still my old name shows up as active, both my old name and new name are active.

We have found the issue, thank you for your report. We will look into fixing it soon.

Meanwhile, you may play a Competitive match to deactivate your old username.