Lost streak in valorant mobile app

Today just after 3 matches saw in a mobile app what I lost my streak 3 days ago (72 hours minus today)

And I don’t know why, because I played on these days
On this photo you can see when I played. Should I wait answer? Or noone cares about forums?


In order to maintain your streak, you must open the app everyday. If you have opened the app everyday, then let us know.



Sorry for long waiting, but yea, app was opened everyday, do I also need to send any proofs like a video of me reloading page and shoving date? I would like to give any information to get back my streak


Did you open the app each day before yesterday?

Yes, as I answered above, app was opened every day, but I didn’t press the “Check for match” button, maybe because of this?
Thanks for helping, waiting for any answer.

I didn’t press the “Check for match” button, maybe because of this?

Correct, you need confirm your matches every day, this is how the system currently works.

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