Multiple matches showing rocket league

Ive not been on rocket league all day and my day tracker has been complete its showing that i had won matches an hour before i was online now im getting match updates of the match ive had and other matches in 3v3 at same time?? Have i been hacked or is it a glitch…

Hi @ThatGamingHogg24,

Your match history in Rocket League does not represent your actual matches (due to technical limitations). Instead, it represents changes in your stats between your profile updates. The date that you see in match rows is the date when we detected some changes in your stats between updates.

For example, if you played a match yesterday and visited your profile on our website today, you would see that you played the match today, not yesterday. To avoid it, you should refresh your profile regularly (ideally, between each match). In this case, the dates will be close to the real ones.

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I see wonder if its the matches i have while im not using the app then i understand what your saying nice one apprciate it just glad no one is on my account cheers again

@ThatGamingHogg24 I had the same thing with rumble matches and dropshots aswell as comp 2v2s. I only play 3v3 , heatseeker and comp 3v3. I was thinking the same, that I was hacked. Now I see they take the info based on the profile it all makes sense. And that is probably the reason why we can not see a post scorebord and stats like on valorant.