My tracker says 401 unauthorized

i have a ios and i checked everything and its all fine.
It worked fine yesterday but now i cant even claim my game played.Preformatted text

Hi @Hypinitup,

Could you please describe where exactly in the app this error appears? If possible, please attach a screenshot.

I am also experiencing this issue.
At first I thought maybe they changed the leaderboard to something only premium users can view?
My second thought is that it could be related to changing my Epic username recently and that might be confusing the app?

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like @LostBlood . I had a 30+ day streak and was almost mythic. It’s disappointing not to be able to check it.

Okay I just went into my tracker network settings in browser and disconnected and reconnected my Epic account. It reset my streaks, but I am able to see the little leaderboard again. Maybe it will work for you also @Hypinitup if you are still having the same issue?

I have the same issue and I can’t contact support I get another error
I’m paying the membership

@Lunar.Cat You fixed it because I have the same problems

@Sirkacz123 Hi, what’s your TRN user ID? I’ll take a look at it.
This issue is usually caused by not having the correct ID linked to your profile, but I’ll take a look now.

Can you also verify which game/title you are playing?

Thank you

I also have this problem sometimes it works sometimes it does not. I always need to log out from everything and then log in again it takes up to 6 times till its working again idk what or why the problem is there but its need to be fixed.


  • Which game/title are you playing?
  • Are you seeing the ‘Error 401’ message?
  • Can you provide me with your TRN ID?

In most cases, we see the 401 message pop up when a user has changed their ID (Lets say Epic ID as an example) but doesn’t update their linked accounts here: Tracker Network - Manage Linked Accounts (

Provide me with some more info and we will get it fixed for you.

Thank you

I’m having the same issue. Since this past Sunday. This is very annoying. I’m not able to see data on what I’ve played. Fortnite is the only game I have on here to track.

Unlink ur epic games acc from trn and relink

@Solomilitia6 Please can you provide me with your TRN ID - It’s likely just your Epic Id that needs updating but i shall review