R6 Tracker not showing stats

I have updated it.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled it.
Still, no stats are showing up in a live match. Service Status is green.

I have got the log file ready. Where should I send it?

Hi @darkworldkingsbk,

You’re welcome to send a share link here. If you’re unable to, you can DM me on discord: @itspost

Log file

Thank you for sending your logs, I’ve looked through, it’s likely a Ubisoft security feature is breaking Overwolf’s game events plugin. The security system affects players in different ways.

In order to solve the issue, Overwolf will need certain files from you, instructions follow:

  1. Please navigate to C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Ubisoft\r6siege

  2. Copy the “R6Status” file AND the folder with the latest game version name (it may be the file with the latest “Date Modified” time). It’s important you send the correct file, if you’re unsure on which is correct, please screenshot what files you’re seeing and I can help you. The file should start with Y8S2.1.0 .

  3. Zip up the folder up upload the zipped folder AND the R6Status file to https://dropmefiles.com/

  4. Please send me the link to the files

Log file

Here is the R6Status file with the folder containing latest game version

Fantastic, thank you! I’ll send over to Overwolf now. Hopefully they can resolve the issues shortly.