My username won’t appear so can’t see my stats

my psn is Fuzzy-Faze and my stats should be showing but they arent, ive done everything its said and nothing has shown up, and on my profile it dosent even show my real stats and ive done everything its said but yet my stats still will not show up, pls help me someone

ive putted in the correct reggion, kills, rev, and ps4 and yet i see nothing but should be there

@numberonerevnz Hello and welcome to the TRN forums.

I went to your profile and saw you’re currently tracking stats for Pathfinder kills. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page on your profile, you should see a box containing the following information:

This website only records Legend statistics for your default legend and the stats currently displayed on the player card via in-game trackers.

Current Tracked Legend: Pathfinder

Current Tracked Stats: Kills

We can update only the legend and stats combination above.

If you want to add or update a legend and/or specific stats for a legend, change your default legend to the legend you would like to update on the site by selecting them in the Legends menu in-game and ensuring you have the desired stat trackers applied. Make sure to have at least the Kills tracker and Level badge selected. After selecting your default legend and desired stats, return to the main lobby and press the “Force Update” button below.

Please make sure that you do not use any special trackers for your legend as we cannot detect them. Please use only the default ones to update your stats.

Please note that Apex Legends caches data. Legend/stats updates might not be immediate. If so, please wait a few minutes and then Force Update again.

Please use this information to update the tracked Legend to Revenant (or whichever Legend you want to update the stats on).

To learn more about the in-game trackers and how to use them, please see this post:

@vindictivesmurf but why am i not showing on the leader boards

@numberonerevnz Think of it like this:

The leaderboards are a conglomeration of stats that TRN have put together using the data they’re getting from your (and everyone else’s) trackers plus some from Apex/Respawn. If you’re not providing the stats to TRN, there’s no way for them to put you on the leaderboards: they don’t know what they need to know.

Once you provide that information through updating the trackers, your profile gets updated with the stats you want which means you can then see yourself on the leaderboards (granted your stats get you high enough to be seen on the leaderboards).

I still see your tracker is set to look at Pathfinder kills. Given the link to the leaderboards you provided earlier, you should consider switching your trackers to Revenant instead. After that, give the website time to aggregate the data, and you should see yourself up there no problem.

so i just set my stats to default trackers like kills and select rev then ill be on the leader boards?

are you going to reply

@numberonerevnz From what I understand (I’m not with TRN), that should work. Feel free to report back here if it works or doesn’t!

Hi I created my Apex tracker account on Tuesday and still can’t see my name in my Region for playstation my Username is Plug_b0y_l33-_-

I am also unable to find my account, could you please help me? my xbox is Yeegs7040

my EA name is not showing up when i search for it. My user name i s ‘darthquee’. I added some screenshots.