Valorant tracker isn't working

Hello, I have been trying to use the tracker for a while now, but I haven’t been able to get it working. I have uninstalled it, and reinstalled, and it hasn’t working, I’ve tried restarting my computer etc. I have had a look at some of the topics, but found no help, my name is visible in game, and I’m in fullscreen. I also have it open, and it doesn’t register that I’m in a game.


Hi, could you send me your app logs please?

If you’re unsure on how to do that, a guide is available below. (1.2 MB)

Hi @kimchi,

I took a quick look at your logs but the app seems to be functioning properly. Could you please clarify which part of the app does not work for you? Live match, highlights, career stats, or something else?

Hi, live match, and when I’m on the game, the stats don’t show, like when I’m running Valorant, there’s no evidence that Valorant tracker is running. And when I’m in games the live match doesn’t seem to be working either.

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Hi, I have also been experiencing these same issues. My match history and other stats are logged correctly, but when I load into a game, the tracker doesn’t detect it. the keyboard shortcuts also don’t work to open the tracker. Do you have any ideas on what I could be experiencing?

@Dhyfijh2 if you open the app’s settings page, can you confirm this setting is ENABLED?


If the setting was NOT enabled, please restart VALORANT and check if the app works correctly.
If the setting was already enabled, please send me your app logs.

I have the same issue but this option is enabled, what do i do?

Please create a new topic and share your app logs.